Dan Anca Cristina
Ancient geography and its reception
Research interests
- Ancient geography and its reception : history of space representations in the ancient world and of their Medieval and Modern receptions.
- Hellenic identities : study of ethnic identities, linked with the Hellenic culture, from Ancient to Modern times, through their relationship with the geographic environment, their memory and history, their contacts with the “Other”, their emic and etic representations.
- Pontus and Asia Minor : history and archaeology of the Black Sea and Northern Anatolian regions.
*Ongoing collective projects
- French Ministry of Foreign Affairs: geoarchaeological mission in Ainos/Enez (Turkey)
- Bucharest University: Geoarchaeological studies in the Danube Delta
- EUR Translitterae: Les transferts de paysages dans le temps : géographie et histoire de la géographie
- CNRS International Emerging Action (IEA) / PICS : GeoarcABC : Géoarchéologie à la carte : Azov, Bosphore, Caucase. Analyse spatiale du détroit de Kertch, à travers l’histoire
- Labex TransferS / EUR Translitterae: Anatolian rivers
- IFEA Istanbul: The Thracian Bosporus
- Getty Foundation: Beyond the Northern Aegean
- DAI / DFG: Transformation of the Pergamon Micro-Region
- DAI Cluster 6: Connecting cultures
- Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt / Franz Steiner Verlag : Orbis Terrarum. Internationale Zeitschrift für historische Geographie der Alten Welt
- Taman : the ancient geography of the eastern part of the Asiatic Bosporus (with Prof. Hans-Joachim Gehrke, Dr. Udo Schlotzhauer, Dr. Denis Zhuravlev, Dr. Daniel Kelterbaum).
- Pseudo-Arrian, Periplus of the Black Sea : major edition, English translation and commentary (with Prof. Hans-Joachim Gehrke and Alexandr Podossinov).
- Ancient Winds (with Dr. Ekaterina Illyschetschkina) in TOPOI II Excellence Cluster, “Common Sense Geography” (dir. Prof. Klaus Geus).
- Rivers of Asia Minor (with Dr. Stéphane Lebreton).
- The so-called Maps of Saint Jerome (with Dr. Stéphane Lebreton).
*Previous projects
- ENS / Ministère de l’Enseignement : Les Humanités dans le texte / Odysseum : ARCHAI : À la Recherche des Anciennes Identités. Pourquoi a-t-on oublié et redécouvert Troie ?
- TOPOI II Excellence Cluster (2012-2017)
- CNRS : Legecartas (2017-2019)
Archaeological excavations
Since 2017 : Policoro, Italy (dir. Stéphane Verger)
Since 2015 : Enez/Ainos, Turquie (dir. Saït Başaran)
Since 2013 : Taman, Russie (dir. Udo Schlotzhauer, Denis Zhuravlev)
- 2012-present : CNRS, AOROC-UMR 8546 Paris, ENS : Assistant Research Professor.
- 2013-present : Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) Cluster 6 : Connecting cultures : external collaborator
- 2020 : Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt : guest professor (1 month)
- 2019 : DAAD-Universität zu Köln : fellow (2 months)
- 2011-2017 : TOPOI Excellence Cluster, DAI Berlin, Freie Universität : junior & senior fellow (22 months).
- 2015 : Fudan University, Shanghai : guest professor (2 weeks).
- 2012-2013 : Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies : fellow (1 month).
- 2003-2008, 2010-2011 Teaching fellow in Classics and Ancient History at the Universities of Reims, Paris IV-Sorbonne, Paris XII-Val de Marne.
- 2009-2010 Postdoctoral Onassis Fellow at the National Research Foundation, Athens.
- 2009 PhD in Hellenic Studies at the University of Reims.
- 2003 Master in Latin Studies and Magisterium of Classical Antiquity at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne.
- 2001-2004 International Student at École Normale Supérieure, Paris.
- 1998-2001 Studies of Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Bucharest.