Géophysique et archéologie

Grigorios N. Tsokas

, by Jean-Michel Colas

Vendredi 6 novembre 2020, 16h-19h
Visioconférence: https://www.gotomeet.me/AncaDAN/geoarch
Par téléphone: +33 187 210 241
Code d’accès: 906-762-757

Conférence dans le cadre du séminaire “Géographie historique et géoarchéologie”

- Grigorios N. Tsokas
Professor of Exploration Geophysics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Advancements and case studies of archaeological prospection
Nowadays, Geophysical Prospecting comprises an integral part of the archaeological survey. Under favorable conditions, it results in imaging the subsurface in manner which resembles the result that would had been drawn if an excavation had taken place. Thus, excavations can be better planned and directed towards specific targets. Conclusions can be inferred based on the findings of archaeological trenches and the final geophysical images.  

Further, the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is ideal for indoor use and surveys in urban environment. It can be employed to investigate for possible cracks and fractures that threaten the integrity of the standing monuments. It can be also used to investigate for possible crypts and structural elements beneath floors or behind walls. Similarly, ERT can produce 3 dimensional subsurface imaging and using specific electrodes can be even used in surveys in urban environment. 

Archaeological Prospection can be also employed to treat non-conventional problems related to the preservation and restoration of monuments and archaeological heritage.

Responsable : Anca Dan