Archeolocalis : Territorial administrative structures

, by Agnès

Find all the georeferencing coordinates of the European administrative divisions up to the commune level for Europe (NUTS 3 file completed)

Access to Archeolocalis

The Archeolocalis database gathers information on a territorial division, initially conceived on a European scale and then progressively extended to Central Asia. It has been designed with a view to approximate geo-localization by barycenters (or “centroids”) at the commune level.
The territorial division chosen makes it possible to regroup the municipalities using two national sub-levels.

The choices made among the different administrative tracking systems aim to ensure not only homogeneity on the scale of the geographical spaces considered but also interoperability with complementary datasets.
The extension to Europe was therefore based on the nomenclature of the territorial units of statistics (NUTS3) of the European Union.

The municipalities of a country can be doubly geolocalised: globally in WGS84 and nationally according to a local system in the country used for archaeological surveys.

This application was realized in PHP, Javascript and MySQL, by Michel Cartereau to AgroParisTech for The BaseFer (AOROC).