Maurizio Forte
Vendredi 30 octobre 2020, 16h-19h
Visioconférence : https://www.gotomeet.me/AncaDAN/geoarch
Par téléphone : +33 187 210 241
Code d’accès : 906-762-757
Conférence dans le cadre du séminaire « Géographie historique et géoarchéologie »
- Maurizio Forte
William and Sue Gross Distinguished Professor of Classical Studies, Duke University
La topographie antique de Jérusalem (IIe siècle av. J.-C. - IIe siècle apr. J.-C.)
The interpretation of Etruscan cities and pre-Roman urbanism is very much related to the concept of City-State and its organization, which is reflected in the spatial organization, in architectural transformations and in social-political changes. The Vulci3000 Project, directed by Duke University, started in 2014 with the goal to investigate the Etruscan and Roman city of Vulci (Viterbo, Italy) since its early development to the final transformation into a Roman city. The project is a multidisciplinary example of digital integrated technologies : 3D photogrammetry, GPR, drone remote sensing, virtual reality, web GIS and 3D repository.
Responsable : Anca Dan