Publications spécifiquement rattachées au laboratoire AOROC :
7 results
Book section
Elsa Oréal, Martine Vanhove
Word classes in Egyptian, Semitic, and Cushitic (Afroasiatic)
The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes, 1, Oxford University Press, pp.495-515, 2023, ⟨10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198852889.013.16⟩
Elsa Oréal
Achom le vigilant. Nommer l'animal, penser le divin
Revue d'egyptologie, A paraître
Book section
Elsa Oréal
Some Common Features of Akkadian and Egyptian Revisited
Victoria Almansa-Villatoro; Silvia Štubňová Nigrelli. Ancient Egyptian and Afroasiatic.Rethinking the Origins, Eisenbrauns, pp.161-186, 2023, Languages of the Ancient near east
Book section
Elsa Oréal
Focus on an old topic
Andreas Dorn, Sami Uljas. Crossroads VI. Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology, Widmaier; Widmaier Verlag, pp.191-214, 2023, Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 30, ⟨10.37011/studmon.30.08⟩
Book section
Elsa Oréal
The negative existential Cycle in Ancient Egyptian
Hamari, Arja; Veselinova, Ljuba. The Negative Existential Cycle, Language Science Press; Zenodo, 2022, 978-3-96110-339-3. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.7353609⟩
Elsa Oréal
Language change and the chronology of the First Intermediate Period.
Chronologies and Contexts of the First Intermediate Period, Andrea Pillon, Apr 2021, Cairo, France
Elsa Oréal
Focus on an old topic : a fresh look at the polyfunctionality of jn
Crossroads VI - Between Egyptian Linguistics and Philology, Jan 2020, Uppsala, Sweden