Masonry techniques in the face of Earthquakes, from Antiquity to the present : prospects for multidisciplinary studies
Journée d’étude
Vendredi 20 octobre 2017, salle E 314, Laboratoire de géologie, École normale supérieure, 24, rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
9h30 Introduction Hélène Dessales, Didier Combescure Archaeological and textual interpretations
10h Archaeology of buildings and seismic risk. Methodological practice and case studies from Italy. Andrea Arrighetti (Università degli Studi di Siena)
10h30 The characterization of post-seismic repairs, the databases OPUR and ACOR : case studies from Pompeii and Iznik. Hélène Dessales (ENS Paris, AOROC), Agnès Tricoche (CNRS, labex TransferS), Yacine Benjelloun (ISTerre)
11h Overview of SisFrance : the French historical macroseismic database. Hervé Jomard (IRSN)
11h30-12h30 Discussion In-situ characterization and modelling
14h The contribution of structural engineering to the conservation of archeological sites in seimic area. Maria Rosa Valluzzi (Università degli Studi di Padova)
14h30 Example of vulnerability of existing structures and intervention measures to improve masonry constructions’ seismic behaviour. Joao Guedes (Univerdidade do Porto)
15h-15h30 Discussion Structures : models of calculation, laboratory tests
15h30 Improving construction capacity against earthquakes : lesson learned from Pompei. Andrea Prota (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
16h Mechanical modelling issues regarding masonry heritage structures : from material to structure. Frédéric Ragueneau, Cédric Giry, Cécile Olivier-Leblond (ENS Cachan)
16h30 Seismic assessment of existing masonry buildings : conservation, strengthening and safety issues. Sergio Lagomarsino (Università degli Studi di Genova)
17h -18h Discussion and Conclusion
- Journée d’études 20 octobre 2017